Archive for the 'Site Updates' Category

New Layout!
Hey everyone! We have a brand new layout here at Adrianne Palicki Fan designed and coded by my amazing friend, Claudia at Never Enough Design! Make sure you refresh your browser to see the new look.

Checking In
Hi everyone, it’s Jennifer, the co-web here at Adrianne Palicki Fan; long-time visitors may remember me from way back in 2010-2011. I’m going to step in and start getting the site back up to date while Holly takes a break from updates. You can think of me as a foster mom for this site to […]

New Layout and Host
I am very happy to release this new version of Adrianne Palicki Fan! Both the header and theme base were done by my fabulous friend Claudia. We have also moved hosts after some issues and are proudly back at FanSt! If you find any links broken, please use the email address under the affiliates to […]

New Main Site Layout!
I’m slowly working on getting the site back up to date and I have a new main site layout with images of Adrianne from her role on Agents. She may not be on the show anymore but I really loved her look from this series! The theme was done by @MonicaNDesign and the header was […]

New Layout and New Twitter
I have started the complete over haul of the site to get it back up to date (the pages still need a lot of work but one small step at a time!). We have a new layout up here, the header was created by me, but the wonderful Megan allowed me to modify her wordpress […]

And we’re back!
After a long road of bumps and bruises along the way, Adrianne Palicki Fan is back! I still have a ton of work to do on the site, so please bare with me while I get everything back in order.

Fansite of the day!
Adrianne Palicki Fan has been named fansite of the day over at The Fan Carpet. Thank you so much for the recognition!

Brand New Domain!
I’m very pleased to announce that you can now reach us at adriannepalicki.org thanks to my amazing co-web Jennifer, who bought it for us! Don’t worry, the old URL will work still but it’s very exciting to have this name associated with the site as well. Thank you Jennifer! Don’t forget Lone Star starts Monday! […]

New Layout
Welcome to the brand new layout here at Adrianne Palicki Fan! We wanted to create a new design to help roll in the premiere of “Lone Star” this month – which premieres on September 20th – so I created this design using photos of Adrianne from “Men’s Health” magazine. We are also looking for affiliates, […]